Thursday, October 13, 2011


My ways of thinking have changed a lot, recently. I'm seeing things and situations in my life in a whole new light.

I've been challenged a lot in the way I view situations. We tend to blame so much on coincidence and forget that God has a purpose in every moment in our life. Sure, sometimes things just happen, but what God does with those things is amazing. Have you ever really thought about that? You take the time to go talk to the awkward kid in your class one day, and later you find out that they were thinking of hurting themselves because they feel alone and your words helped them. Or, maybe your being late for work saved you from being in an accident. I’m definitely being challenged to be more aware and to see every moment as an opportunity.

Another area that God has challenged me in is patience and trust. I always worry about everything, which ends up stressing me out to the extreme. I worry that I’m not doing what God wants me to do, that I’m going to end up in the wrong place. I even worry about who would want to marry me and even if that will happen one day. The message that God has been trying to tell me is that it’s okay.

It’s all going to be okay, every part of my life is going to be okay. Better than okay, it’s going to be better than I can ever imagine! God has a plan to use me right where I am. And as long as I’m pursuing Him, He’s going to get me where I need to go. Even if I mess up, He will still use that for his glory. He will provide for me in His timing. I don’t have to focus on “where” and “when”. I need only to focus on “Who” I am in Christ and What I’m becoming. He’ll handle the rest. And how amazing is it to know that our whole life has been perfectly planned? That we never have to worry because the creator is already setting that plan in motion and is going to make sure it happens. Why would I want to mess that up with my selfish needs and wants? How much greater is God’s plan. I’m pretty much awestruck at how much God really does take care of me. I’m beginning to see Him in so much more.

Like Pastor Brad said in his life lesson, “God’s will is a journey.” I am beyond excited about this journey and cannot wait to see what’s next.

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