Sunday, December 14, 2008


"I celebrate the day
That you were born to die
So one day I could pray for you to save my life.

To look back and think that
This baby would one day save me..

The first time that you opened your eyes
Did you realize that you would be my savior
The first breath that left your lips
Did you know that it would change the world forever?"

So songs make me think a lot..and with my habit of over-analyzing just about everything, they really make me think..maybe a bit too much. I was thinking about how Jesus was born to be our savior. And He's God, too. So when he was a little kid, did Jesus grow up knowing that He was going to die one day? And if so, that seems kind of like it would be a sad childhood..but then again I think, "He is God, and He wants us to be with Him. So, he knew why He had to die." But then, that's an interesting way of doing things..and then I remember that with the old covenant, something that was completely perfect had to be sacrificed.

The whole trinity thing is interesting to me, too. God knows everything, Jesus is His son, and the holy spirit lives in us to help us do the right thing. But yet they are one? Wow-that's all I have to say. So was it God coming himself to us? In the form of a human? Then it was God speaking to us. But then, He is pleased with His son..who is himself. Whoa.

And what about Mary? Did she know that the son she birthed was going to be killed for her and the rest of the world including the people who killed and hated him? I don't think I would ever let my son out of my sight if I knew that was going to happen.

All I know is that Jesus cane and died to save my life. He changed the world and left us the mission to finish what he started. Christmas is an interesting thing..and hard to understand sometimes. To think that God came to us in a baby, but He was still in heaven because it was the son part of the trinity. Then He grew up just like we do. Learning about himself almost since he was God, and then changed the world by telling us the right way to live and then asking us to follow Him. Then rising from the dead to ask us to tell others about Him. And taught that all we have to do is believe in Him and ask Him to forgive our sins so we could live in paradise with Him forever...AMAZING!