Monday, November 16, 2009

Bottom Line

"When God invites us into His story, assigning us various roles that are seemingly too big for us to carry out, His affirmation is the same -- I will be with you. It's as if He was saying...'Don't worry about who you are, just focus on the reality that I'm going, too. And if I go with you, trust me, everything's going to work out fine.'...
Bottom Line: God and anybody else is an overwhelmingly powerful team"
-Louie Giglio. "i am not but i know I AM"

As I've been reading this book, different parts have really stood out to me. I think this part is my favorite because for me, it paints such a perfect picture of how close God really is.
About a month ago, I had some friend issues and ended up with my feelings hurt. Even though I didn't feel like I was being told by God to do some task I felt I couldn't handle, this quote from the book just reminded me of God's closeness and involvement in my life. He's there -- constantly surrounding me with love and acceptance, letting me know that I can lean on Him and His strength to get me through. God is all I need to face the tough things in life.